News / January 16, 2015

IX Reach Runners – Take Two!

On a surprisingly mild Sunday morning in January, John Hill and Ben Nicklin donned their fitness gear and stood with 285 other people as they prepared to take part in a very muddy obstacle course. Though, some participants opted for the less intimidating 5k, John and Ben signed up for the full 10k. But no matter what distance, all runners in Muscle Acre had to complete a gruelling obstacle course including:
  • Mud Crawls
  • Trenches
  • Tyre field
  • Spider's web
  • Hay bales
  • Pallet mountain
Though these six obstacles sound tough on their own, this is just a small list of what was included on the day!
John and Ben - Muscle Acre run Throughout the course John and Ben stayed together for the 10k. Whilst covered in mud, the pair enjoyed running on a rare straight stretch of flat course! Muscle Acre Winter Warmer After 1 hour 30 minutes of running, the guys finally crossed the finish line, where, no doubt, they couldn't get into a hot shower and warm clothes quick enough! Muscle Acre Winter Warmer